Smacker Downloads
You can download the Smacker players for most PC and Mac platforms on this page.
Smacker Downloads
- The RAD Video Tools [1.2 MB]
- The RAD Video Tools for Win 9x/Me, NT, 2000, XP, and Vista.
Includes the Bink and Smacker Compressors!
- The Smacker Carbon Player for MacOS X and 9 [50 KB]
- Use this to play Smacker files on PPC MacOS X and MacOS 9.
- The Smacker FAT Player [70 KB]
- Use this to play Smacker files on old PPC versions of MacOS (OS 8, Classic and 68K).
- For the latest version of the Smacker SDK, click here (you must be a licensed customer to receive the latest SDK)...
- SDK updates available via secure FTP.
- For the latest RAD Game Tools artwork, click here...
- High-quality RAD artwork available via secure FTP.